2025 Tournament Rules VIDEO RELEASE
THANK YOU for your support in helping individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries have a chance for a better Quality of Life after Injury. Your participation is very much appreciated! We hope you will continue to help us raise awareness about the possibilities for an improved adaptive life and for HOPE of Recovery. We hope you enjoy our tournaments, tell your friends about us, support our amazing Sponsors and will continue to return year after year helping to make it possible for us to award Quality of Life scholarships for those paralyzed individuals who struggle with daily adversities related to their injuries. You ARE making a DIFFERENCE! THANK YOU!!!!!!
The rules may be changed up to the event date with notification for all Team Capts. Registration can be done online UNTIL Fall 2025 at 12pm. You may register in person at the Mandatory Registration Kick Off on -- Fall 2025 from 6-9pm. If you cannot make Registration by 9pm, please text us at 813-743-2827 of your expected arrival time.
Teams will consist of up to 4 people including those fishing with a Guide.
Kayak Division will consist of single person entries using non gas powered motorized kayaks, paddle boards, one person flotation, wade or shore anglers.
Fly Division can fish as single angler entry or team of 2 or more (4 max) in a motorized or non motorized vessel.
Guided and Adaptive Division will consist of 4 anglers, a hired Professional Guide and a Mate.
Each single entry must pay separately and fish from own vessel.
If your team (or individual angler) has not signed the waiver by the Captains Meeting, you will NOT be allowed to participate.
All boats/teams/individual entries must be paid and registered prior to the starting fishing times.​
Hired Guides and Deckhands may assist with reeling fish to boat for a DISABLED angler ONLY if disabled angler REQUESTS assistance.​
No refund of entry fees unless the tournament is canceled by the tournament committee. All efforts will be made to reschedule in the event of inclement weather.​
Overall Division Fishing will start --- FALL 2025 immediately following the Capts meeting. The Tourn Dir will note the time stamp which must be before any fish entries are made. Kayak and Guided Division may start at 6:00am ---FALL 2025.
Adaptive Division may fish from 9am-2pm FALL 2025.
All divisions must be back to the check in point BY 3:00pm. 3:01 Late arrivals are disqualified.
A Member of your TEAM MUST have checked into the Weigh In Station by a Tighten The Drag Foundation Tournament Volunteer by 3:00pm ---FALL 2025 (NO EXCEPTIONS) and receive a wristband.
Weigh in will open at 2:00pm for Adaptive Division GUIDES.
All other divisions Weigh In will open at 2:30pm.
Official check in will confirm that you met the 3PM deadline (Weighmaster time clock).
If coming by car, please park in time to get to the weigh in line before 3pm. IF YOU HAVE NOT TURNED IN YOUR BOAT CARD BY 3PM, THE FISH/TEAM WILL BE DISQUALIFIED. NO EXCEPTIONS.​
VIDEO Measurement ONLY Snook-Redfish-Trout
All entries must have your assigned Boat # card attached to your ruler clearly in the video taken on the ChekIt Stik Tighten The Drag Foundation Official Tournament Ruler and must be taken on the date of ----2025 during the hours for your Division.
If there are any unclear videos OR the boat card is missing, the fish will be disqualified.
Videos should be brief and show the entire fish from nose to end of tail. It is your responsibility to ensure that we can view your video clearly on your phone.
All video submitted for judging may become the property of the tournament and may be used for any purpose.
A crew member must accompany the fish (video) during the weigh-in. ONE FISH PER CATEGORY PER TEAM MAY BE WEIGHED IN with exception of REDFISH. You may provide two videos, one for largest (Slam) & one for Most Spots.
Video must be taken with the nose of the fish, facing left, flush against the tournament ruler corner with a pinched tail. Video needs to include the ENTIRE fish and CLEARLY show the overall length as well as the provided tournament boat number and tournament ruler.
Your fish does not have to be a slot sized fish because you will not take possession of the fish so measure the biggest fish caught. Your fish is to be released immediately after measurement/video.
For the Redfish with the Most Spots on one side, you may lay the fish on the side with the most spots since the measurement is not relevant for that category.
In the event of a TIE in length, the winner will be awarded to the team that REGISTERED their team first. Video may be brought to the weigh in by boat or vehicle.​
BOUNDARIES: Cedar Key, FL to Boca Grande, FL.
Winning anglers may be required to submit to and pass a polygraph test AND / OR allow Tournament Directors to view the boats GPS Tract of the day(s) if in question. Should the angler fail or decline either test, the tournament committee reserves the right to forfeit all winnings awarded to angler/boat in question.
If you wish to PROTEST in any division for any reason, there will be a $500 cash non-refundable fee to pay for the cost of the polygraph test. Protest must be presented no later than 15 minutes after the announcement of the winners. Decision of the tournament committee will be final. If a team is under protest and found to be in violation of the rules, their entire team will be disqualified from the event and each angler of the team will be subject to review for entry into future events.​
Any lady angler or junior angler wishing to participate in their respective divisions must be noted on Registration Form completed at Registration. Please be sure to tell Weighmaster which divisions your anglers fished in. Junior Anglers must give their correct age and Tight Liners may be required to show proof of ID if questionable.
​Two or more boats coming in physical contact during fishing hours in any manner will be disqualified. Sportsmanlike conduct is expected at all times on the water and at “before and after” events. Your team will be banned from future competition in our family friendly event if there is an incident.​
Anglers may leave their vessel to wade fish but remain within 200 yards of their vessel or a teammate and may not come into contact with any other vessel or angler with the exception of an angler from their own team. Individual entries may not have contact with any other vessel or angler during the tournament.
All fishing and angling methods must comply with current Federal and State regulations. Anglers may not fish in any area that is not open and accessible to the public. (Sanctuaries, military, no entry zones)
This is a Captain’s Choice Tournament. It is up to the discretion of the registered captain to determine whether his or her craft is seaworthy for existing sea and weather conditions. The captain is responsible for all members of his/her crew both on and off the water. Your vessel must be insured and Guides must certify that they have current insurance and licenses.​
You must catch and reel the fish to boat by hand held, no motorized reels with the exception of disabled anglers who do not have full hand function.
Live OR artificial bait IS allowed. ​
The tournament committee has the right to refuse entry to any applicant. In the event such refusal occurs, 100% of the applicant’s entry fee will be returned if previously accepted.​
All Registered boats must comply with State and U.S.C.G. safety regulations.
All decisions of the Tournament Committee and Weigh Master are final.​
*Remember that cheating in any tournament is not winning. If you cheated to win, there’s nothing to brag about and the risk of being found out is not worth the reputation you will damage.* Don't be THAT guy.
Any Questions: Email: info@tightenthedragfoundation.org or call 813-743-2827 Emergency Text: 813-363-7600 or 813-363-7672 DAY OF EVENT.
Rules are posted ONLINE in the event you should lose your copy. www.tightenthedragfoundation.org​
Thank you for supporting the families who live challenging lives daily with positive attitudes, laughter and love. They are very grateful and travel from all over Florida to meet you and thank you for making a difference for them.
There will be a Custom Trophy for EACH First Place Overall team member and guaranteed FIRST PLACE cash prize of $1500 (payable $375 to each team angler) for largest SLAM of Snook-Redfish-Trout in the Overall Division. Yamaha 4 person Prize Pack to Top team powered by Yamaha motor.
There will be a guaranteed cash prize for Second ($700; payable $175 each team member), third place ($400) fourth ($225) and fifth ($175) in the Overall Slam division.
Prize will be awarded for largest individual Snook, Redfish and Trout in the BIG FISH category/Overall Division
Prize will be awarded to largest SLAM and runner up in the LADIES Overall and Adaptive Division. Prize will be awarded to the 1st Place Lady in the Guided Division. If NO lady angler has a slam, then most total inches will win. Ladies division winners are awarded based on the team results.
Prize of 50% of the Entry Fees will be awarded for the largest SLAM in the KAYAK and FLY division. If NO angler has a slam, then most total inches will win. There may be a prize for runner up Kayak and Fly division which will be determined by number of entries.
Prize will be awarded for the largest SLAM and the runner up in the JUNIOR Angler divisions (ages 11-16) and largest SLAM and runner up for the Little Reeler division (ages 4-10). There will be a Prize for the Top Junior disabled angler of each age group in the Adaptive Division. If NO Junior angler has a slam, then most total inches will win.
Junior angler winners are awarded based on the team results. Ladies and Juniors are not required to have caught the fish (Based on team results).
Trophy/Prize will be awarded for the team with the largest SLAM in the ADAPTIVE division. If NO angler has a slam then most total inches will win. Winning Captain in the Adaptive division will receive recognition on our website as Top Tournament Captain for Disabled.
Prize will be awarded to the REDFISH with the MOST SPOTS on one side. TIE is awarded to the angler who registered first. This entry can be a separate entry from your Slam fish.
Prize will be awarded to the anglers who have the SLAM of Redfish, Snook or Trout that is closest to 52" (in Leader board standings after all Overall teams are weighed in)
Prize will be awarded to the Overall division angler who catches a Snook closest to 30" (not a separate entry)
Prize will be awarded to the Overall division angler who catches the Smallest Trout (not a separate entry)
There will be a "Tournament Within A Tournament" Calcutta option as a side entry among participating teams which will pay back 100% of monies collected. 50% to 1st Place, 30% to 2nd Place and 20% to 3rd Place.