All anglers who do not have a regulation Tournament Chek-It Stick Tighten ruler will need to pay a $50 CASH deposit and if you would like to enter the Calcutta, it is a $50 CASH entry. These are 100% paid back at event. Please text 813-743-2827 if you have any questions.

Registration Fees
TEAM Registration Overall
(Up to 4 Anglers) $ 325.00
Tournament Ruler $ 50.00 CASH *Refundable
Guided Team $ 1025.00
Tournament Within A Tournament (Optional)
Add $ 50.00 Cash only @ Event
100% Payback 50/30/20 Split
KAYAK/FLY Division Only $ 85.00
Tournament Ruler Indiv $ 50.00 CASH *Refundable
LADIES Division No Extra Charge
JUNIOR Division No Extra Charge
*Deposit is refunded with the return of your Ruler at Weigh In.
It is MANDATORY for ONE TEAM MEMBER TO ATTEND REGISTRATION from 6-9pm at CAPTS MEETING to pick up your Tournament Measuring Device, Boat Card, Angler Bag and SIGN Tournament Waiver. Kayak/Indiv Entry MUST ATTEND to qualify to fish. Team Capt MUST sign waiver. For those fishing with a Guide, one team member must attend if your Guide is not able.